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Beyond Health Location In Parsons Green

Parsons Green

3rd Floor Brigade House
8 Parsons Green

Beyond Health Location in Queen's Park

Queen's Park

2nd Floor
105-109 Salusbury Road

Beyond Health Location in Queen's Park

Jesse's House

8-10 Heathmans Road
Parsons Green

COVID-19 Safeguarding & Operational Policy


version 3.0, 01/02/2022

Please note: Evidence for COVID-19 is changing frequently. This document will be updated as often as possible. Staff will be required to conduct any necessary training as a consequence of any updates made.

Key Messages

1. We work within the legal, regulatory and professional frameworks that guide the safe management of patients, the safety of the wider public and everyone who works in the practice environment for which we are responsible.

2. We follow Public Health England (PHE) COVID-19 infection prevention and control (IPC) guidelines.

3. A full risk assessment of the working environment for which we are responsible has been undertaken and documented which demonstrates that all measures designed to mitigate risk and fulfill our legal and regulatory obligations are in place.

4. We provide and use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and have systems and policies in place that govern its use.

5. We have a ‘virtual first’ approach where-by remote consultations remain standard practice during this period and we undertake per patient risk assessments to make a clinically reasoned decision for offering either a face-to-face or remote consultation for each patient and for each of their planned contacts. We document our rationale for these decisions.

6. We engage in discussions regarding the rationale for remote or face-to-face consultations with the patients. Face-to-face consultations only occur If both parties deem it necessary to proceed with face-to-face care. The patient is made aware of all current risks associated with this approach and they provide consent in advance of the face-to-face consultation.

7. We demonstrate our duty of care as employers by ensuring all staff are trained and competent in the procedures necessary for the safeguarding of patients, employees and the general public during the covid-19 pandemic.



1. Legal, regulatory and professional responsibilities

We work within the legal, regulatory and professional frameworks that guide the safe management of patients, the safety of the wider public and everyone who works in the practice environment for which we are responsible.

All registered healthcare practitioners regardless of profession, sector or setting owe a duty of care to their patients.

We have a duty of care to provide a reasonable standard of care to patients and to act in ways that protect their safety and uphold the statutory standards for UK-wide registration as dictated by The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) and the The General Osteopathic Council (GOsC).

We must also comply with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC):

Specifically, the following apply:

In the context of COVID-19, these responsibilities extend to:


2. Infection prevention and control (IPC) measures

We ensure we have all appropriate systems and processes in place to comply with government guidance on Infection prevention and control (IPC) measures

We follow up to date government guidance on infection prevention and control measures

We have conducted mock patient and staff journeys throughout the clinic to assess what they may touch or be exposed to and also consider how social distancing could be maintained in the common areas. This has enabled us to conduct a risk assessment and introduce the risk mitigation strategies discussed below.

3. Risk Assessment of the environment for which we are responsible

A full risk assessment of the environment for which we are responsible has been undertaken and documented which demonstrates that all measures designed to mitigate risk and fulfill legal and regulatory obligations are in place.

The following guidance has been followed to undertake the risk assessment of your clinic environment and put in place mitigating actions to manage risks:


The following risks and mitigation strategies have been identified and put in place: 

  1. Risk of transmission between any persons within the building

Mitigation strategies:

  1. Risk of transmission by incoming clients

Mitigation strategies:

  1. Risk of transmission by staff

Mitigation strategies:

  1. Risk of transmission within the building (surfaces, other)

Mitigation strategies:


4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

We provide and use appropriately PPE and have systems and policies in place that govern its use.

We follow up to date government guidance on PPE for use in NHS and social care settings. This guidance has been used to inform the use of PPE for healthcare professions operating in the private health sectors.

We also follow the guidance from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

Clinical staff are required to wear the following:

Client Services staff are required to wear the following:

The maximum time a mask and apron may be worn is 4 hours or when the clinician leaves the care setting/exposure environment. Masks must also be replaced if:

Single use nitrate gloves and aprons must be removed and replaced immediately after each treatment session or when the clinician leaves the care setting/exposure environment if this occurs during the treatment session.

Face-to-face contact will not proceed unless the appropriate PPE is available.

PPE must be put on and removed correctly. All staff are required to train in and follow the guidelines of the WHO: COVID-19: How to put on and remove personal protective equipment.

PPE is stored in a clean/dry area until required for use and expiry dates are adhered to.

PPE is disposed of in a specific waste bin separate from clinic normal waste. It is labeled with the date of seal and put aside for 72 hours prior to collection and disposable.


5. A ‘Virtual first’ approach

We have a ‘virtual first’ approach where-by remote consultations remain standard practice during this period.

All initial contact and triage assessment to be conducted via remote means to establish:

All decision making with appropriate rationale will be recorded in a patient’s clinical record.


6. Per patient risk assessment

We undertake per patient risk assessments and make a clinically reasoned decision for offering either a face-to-face or remote consultation for each patient and for each of their planned contacts. We document our rationale for these decisions.

Screening patients for face-to-face appointments will:

The clinicians decision to conduct a face-to-face or remote appointment must be based on whether the clinician can justify that the benefits of seeing a patient face-to-face are demonstrably greater than the risks of infection transmission.

The clinicians justification for conducting a face-to-face appointment must be documented in the clinical notes for each appointment.


7. Patient consent for treatment

We engage in discussions regarding the rationale for remote or face-to-face consultations with patients. Face-to-face consultations only occur if both parties deem it necessary to proceed with face-to-face care. The patient is made aware of all current risks associated with this approach and they provide written consent in advance of the face-to-face consultation.

Prior to the initial face-to-face session the patients’s are provided with the following information:

Patients are required to provide written consent within 24 hours of their initial appointment to confirm they:

For each face-to-face session the clinician must also document in the patient’s clinical record that risks have been discussed and that the patient gives consent or not for treatment to proceed with a face-to-face consultation.


8. Staff Training

We demonstrate our duty of care as employers by ensuring all staff are trained and competent in the procedures necessary for the safeguarding of patients and employees during the covid-19 pandemic.

We follow the government guidance for employers.

Staff training is documented, signed by both trainer and trainee and filed with the clinic training records.

Staff training consists of:


Contact Us
We hope you find this information useful. If you’ve any question you can always call us at the clinic on 020 3848 9434 or send us an email at [email protected].