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Osteopathy v Physiotherapy. What’s The Difference?

Osteopathy v Physiotherapy. What’s The Difference?

Similarities & differences of physiotherapy and osteopathy

At Beyond Health, we are regularly asked what the difference between osteopaths and physiotherapists is. To help clear up the confusion here goes some factual information on the similarities and differences of these two professions.

In the words of Mary Poppins let’s start at the beginning, a very good place to start. Both professions came into the medical world during the 19th century. Physicians Hippocrates and Galen were the inspiration to both osteopaths and physiotherapists who were practicing manual therapy and massage since 430BC.

Contrary to the stereotypes osteopathy is not just ‘cracking bones’ and physiotherapy is not just strapping ankles/knees!

Definitions of physiotherapy and osteopathy

These definitions aren’t particularly helpful however given they sound remarkably similar!

Extensive professional training

Both professions have extensive training in anatomy, physiology, pathology and hands on techniques but there are differences with the two professions’ training. Physiotherapists in the UK generally train through the NHS and cover rotations in fields of musculoskeletal, neurological and respiratory health.

Osteopathic training

Osteopathic training specialises in musculoskeletal health, and they are well-versed in the application of spinal and joint manipulation, a core part of their 4-year training. Osteopaths tend to work more with their hands.

Physiotherapy training

Physiotherapists are trained to use exercise and modalities such as ultrasound and electrotherapy. There are however several post-graduate courses available to both professionals to train in these different treatment modalities.

If people who primarily focus on muscles sit at one end of a spectrum (i.e. massage therapists to relax or personal trainers to strengthen) and people who primarily focus on joints sit at the other (i.e. chiropractors), physiotherapists and osteopaths sit together in the middle.

Osteopathic holistic approach

Osteopaths have been lauded as holistic practitioners who look at the body as a whole, taking into account the interrelationship of the nervous system, muscular system and psychological aspect to a patient’s presentation. This is why at times an osteopath may be treating your diaphragm when you have low back pain or your ankle when you have hip pain.

This holistic approach underpins all osteopathic treatments. Some osteopaths choose to specialise in craniosacral or visceral-based assessment and treatment. These specialisms may render one osteopath as more appropriate for your care over another.

Beyond Health champions a collaborative approach

Both physiotherapists and osteopaths examine, diagnose, form management protocols and treat problems with your joints, bones, soft tissue, muscles and nerves by looking at the function of your body as a whole.

Here at Beyond Health we champion a collaborative team approach to client care. It may be that we advise you to see both an osteopath and a physiotherapist at different times as that is what we believe would be the best combination to get you back to doing what you love as quickly and safely as possible.

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