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Parsons Green
3rd Floor Brigade House
8 Parsons Green

Queen's Park
2nd Floor
105-109 Salusbury Road

Jesse's House
8-10 Heathmans Road
Parsons Green
Cameryn Titus
Prior to pursuing a career in physiotherapy, Cameryn trained as a classical ballet dancer. She spent summers training with schools such as American Ballet Theatre, Boston Ballet, Sacramento Ballet, and Alonzo King LINES Ballet. During this time, she was introduced to physiotherapy and Pilates. Cameryn’s pursuit of combining her passion for dance with the science of movement and rehabilitation began.
In 2013 Cameryn received her Doctorate in Physiotherapy from the University of the Pacific, California. She began working at Enloe Medical Centre, running the Total Joint Replacement Program, and as the primary physiotherapist in the trauma surgery and orthopaedic ward. Cameryn then transitioned to homecare physiotherapy, treating patients with various diagnoses, including generalised weakness, chronic pain, cancer, neurological conditions, orthopaedic rehabilitation and cardiopulmonary diseases.
Cameryn has worked with dancers in Northern California and recently, in the West End, progressing them through injury rehabilitation and helping them train safely and more effectively by providing education on dance injury prevention and movement and technique analysis.
Cameryn has continued her education in this field by participating in the Dance Medicine Practicum Series at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore and becoming certified as an APPI Pilates mat and large equipment instructor.
As a result of her ongoing education, professional experiences and passion for dance, Cameryn is a highly motivated practitioner who loves to help dancers and non-dancers alike reach their fitness, health and wellbeing goals.