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Based on 359 reviews
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Beyond Health Location In Parsons Green

Parsons Green

3rd Floor Brigade House
8 Parsons Green

Beyond Health Location in Queen's Park

Queen's Park

2nd Floor
105-109 Salusbury Road

Joseph Lawrence

Joseph’s passion for sport and fitness across the board and his hunger for continual knowledge and best practice, combined with his clinical interests in injury rehabilitation, strength & conditioning, nutrition, and wellness, have earned him the reputation as a true leader in the field of physiotherapy.

Joseph has a vast client following based on excellent advice and excellent results. Whether it be quick fixes of pain or a complete overhaul of his client’s physical health, he loves solving your problems.

Joseph is also highly respected in the wider sports medicine community. The quality of this professional network is critically important for the exceptional quality care of his clients.

Out of the clinic (and when not busy with his young family!) Joseph is either sneaking a good coffee, exercising, on the south coast kitesurfing, or in the alps skiing.