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Based on 359 reviews
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Beyond Health Location In Parsons Green

Parsons Green

3rd Floor Brigade House
8 Parsons Green

Beyond Health Location in Queen's Park

Queen's Park

2nd Floor
105-109 Salusbury Road

Samuel Harry

Sam graduated from St. Mary’s University with a degree in Sport Rehabilitation in 2015 and gained invaluable experience working in multidisciplinary clinics before returning to study for his Physiotherapy MSc. This study further deepened his knowledge of clinical assessment, treatment techniques, and understanding of chronic conditions.

“Injuries are commonly caused by underlying compensations, which can be easily missed. Understanding and pairing these compensations with bespoke exercises to strengthen an individual’s weakened areas is vital to ensure a full recovery and enhanced quality of life.”

Sam’s clinical interests are running-related injuries, lower limb injuries and lower back pain in clients from all walks of life, from Olympic athletes to office workers.

He believes in a healthy and balanced lifestyle and the importance of being able to move to maintain an excellent quality of life. Sam practices what he preaches with his love for cooking good food and staying active by running, going to the gym and taking a ski trip (at least!) once a year!